Recent publications

Propagation of locally rare and threatened tree species for conservation
ForestAction E-newsletter Oct-Dec 2024
Environmental Justice in Nepal: Origins, Struggles, and Prospects
Jalthal: Biodiversity Rich Remnant Forest
वनमा आधारित महिला उद्यम: नीतिगत अवसर, चुनौती र भावी कार्यदिशा (Economic Empowerment of Women through Forest Enterprises: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Pathway)
खाना र खेतीपाती वासलात, २०८१ (Fact sheet of Food and Agriculture, 2024)

News & events

Call for Submissions: Women’s Economic Empowerment through Natural Resources: Opportunities, Innovations, and Challenges
A SYMPOSIUM The Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) and Forest Resources Studies and Action Team (ForestAction) Nepal, in collaboration with other organisations,…
Local government and community forestry collaboration in the federal context of Nepal
Nepal’s 2015 Constitution marked a shift to federal governance, emphasising cooperation among federal, provincial, and local levels. The Local Government…
National policy dialogue: Transforming the role of CFs in the context of a shift in socio-political priorities, growing economic opportunities & climate change
The debate on forest sector governance has become more intense within the federal structure due to the lack of clarity…
Presence of ForestAction Nepal and Alliance of Agriculture for Food (AAF) in Organic World Congress 2024
Team members from the ForestAction/AAF secretariat were actively engaged in various processes of the IFOAM Organic World Congress 2024.The World…

Network and alliance
