41st International World Food Day was celebrated with a month-long event during September-October 2021. The celebration started with a press meet on 10th September and the closing event on 2nd November 2021. Alliance of Agriculture for Food/ForestAction Nepal collaborated with 24 different networks/alliances and organizations. With the objective of creating public awareness on the issues of food and agriculture to realize the importance of agriculture for food in the context of agriculture development in Nepal, we have been celebrating Food Day for the last 5 years. Over the years it has been established as a forum to raise the collective voices of the general public, farmers, and farming communities to create pressure on policy shapers/makers for formulating effective policy measures.
The debates and discussions around issues of agroecology and close issues were organized mainly virtually with 20 virtual thematic sessions. These sessions were organized by different collaborators depending on their subject area and expertise. An awareness-raising video song, jingles, and publications were also prepared and distributed.