This research sharing workshop was held on 16 December, 2016 in Kathmandu. The participants represented various organizations such as CIFOR, ForestAction, MOFsc, Tribhuvan University, COFSON, SDC, IAAS, HANDPASS, DOF, DFRS, IUCN, NEFIN, ACOFUN, Kavre Ban Pariwar Sangh, Fenfit, forest entrepreneurs and academicians. This workshop was held with the objective of sharing the research findings pertaining to forest tenure reform, highlighting its economic domain.
The two presentations of the day were: i) Devolution of forest rights and sustainable forest management presented by Dr. Steven Lawry, CIFOR and ii) Forest tenure reform and investment outcomes: evidence from community forest enterprise in Nepal presented by Dr. Bishnu Prasad Sharma, Tribhuvan University
The presentation was followed by discussion amongst the panelist and the participants, in which they provided valuable insights on the research.