2018 – Special Issue on Climate Change, NRM and Conflict. Vol 16(1)

This special issue of Journal of Forest and Livelihood presents different cases of conflicts over natural resource management. It also highlights innovations (institutional or others) to conflict resolution in management of natural resources in Nepal. Some of the papers bring insights on the impact of climate change on natural resources, and conflict as a byproduct of the alterations in the natural setting

Paudel, N. S., Bhusal, P., Thompson, P., Sultana, P., Adhikary, A. and Bhandari, K. 2018.Transforming Forest Conflicts: Learning from North-South Conflicts over Community Forests in Terai Region of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 1-14

Bhusal, P., Paudel, N.S., Adhikary, A., Karki, J. and Bhandari, K. 2018. Halting Forest Encroachment in Terai: What Role for Community Forestry? Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 15-34

Khatri, D., Maskey, G. and Adhikari, B. 2018. REDD+ and Community Forestry in Nepal: Strengthening or Paralysing Decentralised Governance? Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 35-55

Bhusal, P., Bamjade, M.R. and Paudel, N.S. 2018. Pastoralism in Crisis: Mounting Challenges in Herding System in High Altitude Region of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 56-70

Bhattarai, B., Bishwokarma, D. and Legras, M. 2018. Breaking the Bottleneck: Conflicts Metamorphosis of Chure Landscape Management in Federal Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 71-86

Poudel, J. M. 2018 Pond Becomes a Lake: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in the Trans-Himalayan Regions of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 87-102

Neupane, B., Budhathoki, S. and Khatiwoda, B. 2018. Human-Elephant Conflict and Mitigation Measures in Jhapa District, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 103-112