Participation in 4th World Conference on Agroforestry at Montpellier, France

Participation in 4th World Conference on Agroforestry at Montpellier, France

  • May 22, 2019

Dr Ian Nuberg from University of Adelaide; Mr Rahul Karki and Ms Yuvika Adhikari from ForestAction Nepal participated in the 4th World Conference on Agroforestry held from 20 to 22 May 2019 at Le Corum Conference Centre, Montpellier, France.

They also participated in an information exchange workshop, a side event organized by ACIAR to capitalize on the opportunity of having 54 scientists from 12 ACIAR projects on 19 May 2019 at Crown Plaza, Montpellier. The workshop was attended by all the 3 representatives of EnLiFT and Dr Nuberg delivered a presentation on EnLiFT 2 project.