Completed Projects

Reducing poverty through innovation systems in forestry/scaling out natural resource outputs in Asia
  • Period: 01/09/2008 – 01/01/2011
  • Financial Support: DFID/IDRC

The project aims at promoting research innovations for active, equitable and effective management of natural resources within the framework of community forestry in Nepal. The initiative provides a unique opportunity to diverse groups, actors to work together in repacking, updating, disseminating, adapting and institutionalizing both products and process of innovations.

Strengthening Nepal Policy Research Network
  • Period: 01/08/2011 – 01/01/2011
  • Financial Support: NITI Foundation and Alliance for Social Dialogue

The aim of this project is to engage more intensely in the policy processes and related learning in Nepal through the development of Nepal Public Policy Portal, publication of the journal “New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy”, organizing policy dialogue, documentation and Public policy research

Food security and sustainable farming initiative
  • Period: 01/07/2010 – 02/12/2011
  • Financial Support: Action Aid Nepal

The objective of the initiative is to consolidate, prepare and facilitate the food security and sustainable farming practice in Nepal through intellectual debate and facilitating organic practices and to achieve it the project aims to develop medium and long term goal of a) bring intellectual debate on the food and sustainable agriculture based on knowledge and evidences at macro level and b) facilitate organic practices in the agricultural field to enrich it through past experiences.

Promoting transparency and accountability for right-based community forestry in Nepal
  • Period: 01/03/2010 – 01/02/2011
  • Financial Support: The Partnership for Transparency Fund Inc.

This project aims to reduce corruption in the community forestry sector by promoting innovative, transparent, participatory and accountable governance system in Nepal using five tools, they are: i) Increase understanding of people about the corruption in forestry sector, ii) Promote and institutionalize anti-corruption mechanisms through civic awareness, networking and campaigns in the sub-district level, iii) Strengthen institutional capacity of CFUGs and CBOs along with ForestAction itself to fight against corruption and enhance transparency, iv) Develop innovative institutional processes including tool kit to strengthen good governance (increase transparency, accountability and inclusion) and reduce corruption at community level, and v) Document and share the corruption-reducing lessons of the project with the wider communities and policy makers

Conflict and REDD+ study Nepal
  • Period: 01/04/2011 – 01/09/2011
  • Financial Support: RECOFTC

The aim of this project is to build a strong understanding of stakeholder and conflict management within REDD+, with particular focus on local communities and its implications for conflict occurrence and management over forests and land in the country in order to improve the design and implications of REDD+.

PA socio-ecological systems analysis of the political economy of Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation.
  • Period: 01/01/2011 – 01/12/2011
  • Financial Support: ESPA

The main deliverable of this project is to form a conceptual framework, designed to address the challenge of delivering poverty alleviation from ecosystem services ready for implementation a range of possible combinations of ESPA regions, ecosystem types (primarily forests) and ecosystem services. The Framework will be designed as a generic tool suitable for potential application in each ESPA region.

Consolidating Multi-stakeholder process in forest policy decisions through forest dialogue in Nepal
  • Period: 01/01/2011 – 01/01/2011
  • Financial Support: IUCN/GFP

The purpose of this initiative is to bring the wider set of forestry stakeholders in government, donors, communities and private sectors together in the policy dialogues, for ventilating different and often divergent perspectives and hence contribute to developing common understanding.


Democratizing Protected Areas.
  • Period: 01/01/2011 – 01/01/2011
  • Financial Support: RRI

The aim of this program is to generate critical knowledge on conservation practices in Nepal and their social impacts especially on the local communities, in light of recent attempts by the government of Nepal to establish new conservation zones

Payment for Environmental Services scheme for Sundarijal in Shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park.
  • Period: 01/01/2011 – 01/12/2011
  • Financial Support: ICIMOD

The main aim of this initiative is to generate an understanding and knowledge of PES among all the stakeholders at the community as well as policy level through various activities such as community mobilization, capacity strengthening and empowerment through trainings, development of knowledge materials and research analysis and by organizing dialogs among the stakeholders

Community-based forestry and livelihoods in the context of climate change adaptation.
  • Period: 01/09/2010 – 01/12/2011
  • Financial Support: ICIMOD

The core idea of this project is to document the experiences and insights from field on the post-payment dynamics and analyze the implications for proposed forest carbon trust funds


Accessing governance system of Pilot forest Carbon Trust Fund (FCTF), Nepal with special focus on risks and potential of replication.
  • Period: 01/09/2011 – 01/12/2011
  • Financial Support: ICIMOD

The core idea of this project is to document the experiences and insights from field on the post-payment dynamics and analyze the implications for proposed forest carbon trust funds

GFP Communication Strategy 2011

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)