Completed Projects

Learning From REDD: a global Comparative Analysis.
  • Period: 01/02/2011 – 01/12/2013
  • Financial Support: CIFOR

The goal of this project is to provide REDD policy makers and practitioner communities with the information, analysis and tools they need to ensure effective and cost-efficient reduction of carbon emissions with equitable impacts and co-benefits. The project consists of four components i) national REDD initiations (Policy Process and strategies); ii) demonstration activities; iii) monitoring and reference level; and iv) Knowledge sharing. The specific task of the project is to provide country profile, media analysis and policy network analysis.

Forest and Soil Restoration and Land Use Change Impacts on Carbon Pools and Fluxed in the Himalaya: Research and capacity Building in Nepal.
  • Period: 01/03/2011 – 01/12/2014
  • Financial Support: NORAD/KU

The aim of this project is analyze the effects of forest restoration and alternative land use on forest and soil carbon pools, fluxes and sequestrations as well as potentials to support climate change adaptive strategies of rural communities in Nepal.

Food and Sustainable Agriculture Initiative
  • Period: 01/01/2012 – 31/12/2013
  • Financial Support: ActionAid Nepal

For the first one and half year, the aim of the initiative was to consolidate ideas and prepare for actions. The Specific sets objectives were as follows:

1) Bring food security and sustainable agriculture into public debate through policy research and alliances building. 2) Strengthen mechanism of knowledge exchange through creating resources centres equipped with datebase, research findings and publications on food and agriculture. 3) Build the capacity of frontline extension worker, socisl mobilisers and innovative faemers on the social, institutional and technical aspects of food security and sustainable agriculture. 4) Strengthen networking and regular sharing among small and marginal farmers.

Organising Farmers and Civil Society Organisations for National agriculture Policy Influence
  • Period: 01/04/2013 – 14/04/2014
  • Financial Support: Oxfam Hong Kong

The specific objectives of the project ares: a) identify, document and analyse field innovations and practical hurdles associated with key b)Engage with policy makers and Stakeholders and facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue forums at VDCS, Districts and national level c) Inform the wider public on key issues and options through publication and dissemination.

Nepal Community Forestry Program and the United Nations Collaborative PRogramme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD+): Making Community Forestry Pro-Poor Carbon Sequestration Policy
  • Period: 01/03/2012 – 30/06/2014
  • Financial Support: World Bank/Portland State University

The goal of the project is t support the Bank efforts on poverty alleviation in low-income countries and climate change mitigation within the context of the UN collaborative programme on REDD+. Specifically, the project seeks to influence the national and international policy dialogues related to community-based forest management (CBFM) and REDD+.

Paying for ecosystem services: Consquences and alternatives (PECA) in Nepal
  • Period: 01/09/2012 – 01/12/2014
  • Financial Support: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

The project seeks to understand whether the concept of environmental services and the practices associated with it address both the global public good as well as the wellbeing of those who are entrusted to ensure its provision. Two major activities will be involved in the project: i) a study of how the social field of payment for ecosystem services is constructed at the local level and the social and cultural impacts it has on the communities who are the targets/beneficiaries of the schemes; ii) investigation of alternative forms of ecosystem services management, specifically different kinds of ‘eco-agriculture/forestry applications and how this relates to wellbeing and ecosystem services provision.

Project Analysis of Ecnomic Value and Revenune Generation From Timber in Nepal’s Community Forests
  • Period: 01/03/2013 – 31/12/2013
  • Financial Support: Right and Resources

The Objective of the poject is Conduct evidence based policy advocacy to demonstrate the political for poverty alleviation through genarating revenue and creating green jobs thruogh community based enterprises in Nepal’s community forest

REDD+readiness /REDD+ finance in Nepal
  • Period: 01/03/2013 – 31/07/2013
  • Financial Support: NDP/UNREDD

The objective of the project is 1. Evaluate in detail a number of policies and measures that can be implemented to address priority drivers of deforestation in Nepal, building from existing studies on the drivers for deforestation and degradation 2. Identify where and how gaps between the REDD+ policy process and strategies to address drivers can be addressed 3. Propose recommendations that can be used to elaborate the priority policies and measures as part of the REDD+ strategy process 4. Support the REDD cell in the preparation of an efficient, effective and equitable national REDD+ strategy by providing targeted support in a key area of the strategy development process 5. Assess options for the design of an effective, efficient, equitable and results based fund management system for REDD+ finance in Nepal, make recommendations and communicate these in a way that ensures constructive integration into the REDD+ strategy process.

Comparative analysis of regulatory barriers to community, private and collaborative enterprise models in Nepal’s community forestry
  • Period: 01/03/2014 – 15/12/2014
  • Financial Support: Right Resources

The main objectives of the project is to conduct a comparative ananlysis of regulartory barriers to contribute to addressing rule proverty through enterprise establisment and oparation in community forestry by creating enabiling policy and regulatory environment.

Grassroots capacity Building for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) project in Nepal

The goal of this project is to build the capacity of grassroots forestry sector stakeholder in Nepal for REDD, so that they can actively contribute to the sucess of REDD mechanisms and take full advantage of the resultant benifits fo local socio- economic development