Completed Projects

Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme Phase – 1
  • Period: 01/03/2015 – 01/07/2016
  • Financial Support: Multi Stake Holder Forestry Program (MSFP) -Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)

he overall aim of the project is to improve livelihoods and resilience of poor and disadvantaged people in Dhankuta, Terathum, Bhojpur and Shankuwasabha through sustainable and equitable management of forest resources.

Analysis of Nepal Forest User Association Investment and Livelihoods
  • Period: 01/08/2016 – 01/12/2016
  • Financial Support: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)

The main objectives of the project:i) Review the relevant policies and regulations related to financing and investment in forest sector in general and community-based forestry development in particular; ii) Map the existing enterprise modalities based on origins of investment capital and type of enterprise; iii) Assess different business governance models of forest-based enterprises in community-based forest systems in relation to what type of partnership and revenue sharing arrangements are agreed upon among right holders (the forest user groups) and other investors; iv) Explore the underpinning contextual factors impacting nature of investments and performance of an enterprise in community-based forestry systems; v) Undertake a financial analysis of different modalities of forest-based enterprises including investment capital, cost and benefits; vi) Provide the recommendation of the effective business governance models for community-based forest enterprises.

Karnali Agriculture and Food Concern Group (Technical Support)
  • Period: 01/04/2015 – 01/03/2016
  • Financial Support: FASTENOPFER

The objective of this project is to facilitate district stakeholders to make agriculture strategic plans in their districts. The collection and analysis of field data, and interaction and verification of data collected from village level for the plan has been completed Bajura ADP plan drafts are now in the process of being finalized.

Agriculture Development Strategy (ADS) Review
  • Period: 01/10/2015 – 01/03/2016
  • Financial Support: CARE Nepal, OXFAM Nepal, Action Aid Nepal

ADS was launched to review its strength and weaknesses and to discuss on suggestions analyzing the positive and negatives of the strategy.

Climate Change and Rural Institution
  • Period: 01/01/2012 – 01/12/2016
  • Financial Support: Danish Institute For International Studies

The overall objectives of the project are: Improved adaption to climate change in rural areas through policy development that stimulates innovation among meso-level institutional actors.

Securing tenure Rights for Forest-Dependent Communities: A Global Comparative Study of Design and Implementation of Tenure Reform
  • Period: 01/02/2016 – 31/03/2017
  • Financial Support: CIFOR

This project aims to strengthen tenure security of forest-dependent communities, primarily women, and marginalized groups through improved policies and practices in Nepal. The initiative will work towards improving the knowledge and skills of the policy makers, practitioners, and local forest dependent communities for designing and implementation of tenure reforms in Nepal.

Analysis of policy and measures in addressing drivers of Deforestation & Forest Degradation and barriers to improved forest management
  • Period: 30/06/2015 – 30/11/2016
  • Financial Support: UNDP/ UN REDD

The study aims to define the Policies and Measures (PAMs) in Nepalese context and analyse and prioritize those PAMs that can potentially address, reverse or stop the drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The general objective of this study is to identify and agree on the priority PAMs and recommend strategies through a highly consultative process to situate them within the Government of Nepal’s policy and institutional framework on REDD+.

Grassroots capacity Building for Reducing Emission from Deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) project in Nepal

The goal of this project is to build the capacity of grassroots forestry sector stakeholder in Nepal for REDD, so that they can actively contribute to the sucess of REDD mechanisms and take full advantage of the resultant benifits fo local socio- economic development