Documentation of good practice cases on forest management that combines specific local practices with national policy and institutional framework and its communication to the policy actors in the region
- Period: 01/06/2017 – 01/06/2018
- Financial Support: ICIMOD
Grant agreement between IDEX and ForestAction
- Period: 01/06/2017 – 18/06/2018
- Financial Support: International Development Exchange (IDEX), USA
IDEX aims to support ForestAction in advancing its mission in Nepal. ForestAction Nepal will use this grant to implement community based initiatives designed to empower community members with the skills, training and other support needed to improve their living conditions, organizing and other challenges.
Food and Economic Justice: Securing Food
- Period: 01/04/2016 – 31/03/2018
- Financial Support: OXFAM NEPAL
The main objective of the project is Policy advocacy through evidence based research and capacity building of farmer’s network and alliances to improve food security and Livelihoods status of poor, socially excluded and vulnerable women and men in Nepal.
Enhancing livelihoods and food security from agroforesty and community forestry in Nepal
- Period: 01/01/2013 – 01/03/2018
- Financial Support: Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)
The aim of this project is to enhance livelihoods and food security from improved management of AF, CF and UUL in the Hills of Nepal. Other main objectives include: 1) Improved management of AF/CF systems including improved silvicultural practices, and institutional and governance models; 2) Critical analysis of when, how and to what extent AF/CF can enhance food security and improve livelihoods; 3) Insights on improving/creating new markets for AF/CF products; 4) Demonstrated approaches to bring abandoned agricultural land back into productive and equitable use; 5) Demonstration sites and extension material to disseminate the new knowledge; 6) A knowledge base to support reforms in policy and regulatory provisions towards enhanced food security and livelihoods.