ADS was launched to review its strength and weaknesses and to discuss on suggestions analyzing the positive and negatives of the strategy.
The overall objectives of the project are: Improved adaption to climate change in rural areas through policy development that stimulates innovation among meso-level institutional actors.
This project aims to strengthen tenure security of forest-dependent communities, primarily women, and marginalized groups through improved policies and practices in Nepal. The initiative will work towards improving the knowledge and skills of the policy makers, practitioners, and local forest dependent communities for designing and implementation of tenure reforms in Nepal.
The study aims to define the Policies and Measures (PAMs) in Nepalese context and analyse and prioritize those PAMs that can potentially address, reverse or stop the drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation. The general objective of this study is to identify and agree on the priority PAMs and recommend strategies through a highly consultative process to situate them within the Government of Nepal’s policy and institutional framework on REDD+.
Objectives: The general objective of the partnership is to analyse and synthesise the overall insights and lessons of six-years of grassroots capacity building initiatives in Nepal implemented by RECOFTC with FECOFUN, HIMAWANTI, ForestAction and others. The specific objectives are: 1. Analyse and synthesise insights and lessons on the overall approach, institutional arrangement, content and methods of REDD+ capacity development initiative. 2. Document issues and concerns of grassroots actors within REDD+ preparation and implementation in Nepal
The main objective of the project is to support tenure reform in favor of strong community rights and management in the Chure region.
The major objectives of the project include the followings: 1. Organizing and empowering farmers and their networks to claim their access and to control over land, water and natural resources through raising their voices and engage in the policy formulation and influence processes related to agriculture, land and food security issues. 2.Lobbying with government and other stakeholders to increase investment in the productivity, resilience building, and sustainability of small-scale food producers, particularly women in Nepal 3. Engage with policy makers and stakeholders and facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue forums at VDCs, districts and national level. 4. Inform the wider public on key policy issues and options through publication and dissemination.
The objectives of the project are: 1.Provide strategic direction to the program and support on broader policies and procedures for program implementation; 2. Support to linkage among RRN, ForestAction and Multistakeholder Forestry Program in terms of donor’s funding policies and development strategies; 3. Promote complementarities between MSFP and other RRN implemented projects and programs; and 4. Ensure effective delivery of project outputs in four districts (Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur, Tehrathum and Dhankuta) of Nepal
To identify how men and women respond to policies as drivers of change in forest cover and land uses? 2) What do men and women gain from the current land uses? 3) REDD+ is a performances based payment mechanisms – what are the men and women’s performances to different REDD+ benefits and incentives? 4) What are the trade- offs between income and carbon? and 5) What are the potential net gains (for men and women) from adopting emission reducing activities
The goal of this project is to provide REDD policy makers and practitioner communities with the information, analysis and tools they need to ensure effective and cost-efficient reduction of carbon emissions with equitable impacts and co-benefits. The project consists of four components i) national REDD initiations (Policy Process and strategies); ii) demonstration activities; iii) monitoring and reference level; and iv) Knowledge sharing. The specific task of the project is to provide country profile, media analysis and policy network analysis.
The aim of this project is analyze the effects of forest restoration and alternative land use on forest and soil carbon pools, fluxes and sequestrations as well as potentials to support climate change adaptive strategies of rural communities in Nepal.