The purpose of this initiative is to bring the wider set of forestry stakeholders in government, donors, communities and private sectors together in the policy dialogues, for ventilating different and often divergent perspectives and hence contribute to developing common understanding.
The aim of this program is to generate critical knowledge on conservation practices in Nepal and their social impacts especially on the local communities, in light of recent attempts by the government of Nepal to establish new conservation zones
The main aim of this initiative is to generate an understanding and knowledge of PES among all the stakeholders at the community as well as policy level through various activities such as community mobilization, capacity strengthening and empowerment through trainings, development of knowledge materials and research analysis and by organizing dialogs among the stakeholders
The core idea of this project is to document the experiences and insights from field on the post-payment dynamics and analyze the implications for proposed forest carbon trust funds
The core idea of this project is to document the experiences and insights from field on the post-payment dynamics and analyze the implications for proposed forest carbon trust funds
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
The project will address knowledge gaps between community management of natural resources, local adaptation innovations and national policy debates over climate change and conflict, through four focal areas: 1. Enhancing understanding and generating evidence on community institutions and how they perform over issues of NR conflicts (including identification of factors underlying any switches between co-operation and conflict); 2.Examining the impacts of climate change induced bio-physical changes on human-NR interactions, and how far this exacerbates any natural resource conflicts; 3. Analysing how and to what extent the mainstream and new (climate change responsive) policies favour or disfavour minimising conflicts and facilitate co-operation in NR management; and 4. Developing adaptive learning frameworks for managing climate induced conflicts and enhancing cooperation through testing these among existing CBO networks.
The main objectives of the project are to 1.Conduct research on three key dimensions of investment in CF enterprises a) legal/ regulatory barriers on investment b) Non regulatory aspects of investment c) equity outcomes of different modalities of investment. 2. Communication and policy engagement 3.Building capacity for increased investment in CF.
The main objectives of the project are listed below: 1. Analysis of existing and newly collected socio-economic and forestry data using appropriate and state-of-art econometric methods 2.Focus group discussion on the key areas of opportunity and concerns with CBFM and future implications of REDD on them 3. Choice experiment that utilizes hypothetical scenario that offer CFUGs and non-CF members the opportunity to consider REDD in the future.
The project intends to: 1. Help understand the government officials, development professionals and CSO leaders on the evolution of policy and practice for forest and wetland protected area co-management in Nepal 2. Help understand the visiting team on the evolution of policy and practice for community forestry in Nepal, good practices, lessons and challenges; 3. Foster relation between ForestAction and Winrock International, Bangladesh.
The main objectives of the project is a) Identify and examine the extent of privately-owned land being ‘underutilized’ and/or ‘abandoned’ in forested landscapes. b) Explore the degree, patterns and mechanisms of migrations’ contribution to such land use change. c) Examine either these observed changes are empowering or disempowering for ‘women who are left behind. d) Suggest policy, institutional configuration and intervention-related options for facilitating the empowerment of women.