This workshop was held in Kathmandu on 17 May, 2016. The objective was to share research on the global tenure reform and challenges including experiences from South East Asia. ForestAction and CIFOR have been working in partnership to identify the knowledge gap in supporting further reform in Nepal. This inception workshop was organized as part of the partnership to access the historical tenure reform of Nepal.
This district level workshop was held in Lamjung and Kavre on 19-27 April respectively. The main objective of the workshop was to share the research findings of UUL case studies and receive feedbacks from local stakeholders.
This workshop was held in 20 November, 2015 a national level workshop. It provided opportunity for sharing and exchange ideas and issues on gender in forestry in general and REDD+ in Nepal.
This national level workshop was held in Kathmandu on 27 December, 2015. The focus was the discussion on Chure management.
This regional workshop was held in Birtamod, Jhapa on 24 February, 2016. The objective of the workshop was to document lessons learned and producing communication products from the delivery of grassroot capacity building for REDD+ project in Nepal. Diverse views of the participants on REDD+ was documented.
A 2-day action research workshop was organized in Lamjung on 1-2 February and Kavre 7-8 February. This workshop was part of enhancing livelihoods and food security for agro-forestry and community forestry of the EnLiFT project.
A national level workshop for the interaction on ecological farming based agriculture was held in Kathmandu on 17 March, 2016. The main objective of the workshop was to discuss about ecological farming as the major practice of sustainable agriculture in day 1. -Discussion on contemporary issues of agriculture – Discussion on feminization of agriculture – Discussion on the Agricultural development draft reviewed by ForestAction was the major objective of the day 2.
A policy dialogue Enhancing Food Security through Agro-forestry and Community forestry in Nepal (EnLIFT) Policy Labs was held. The Program was organized by ForestAction in the period between January to July, 2015.
An interactive workshop on Community Forest and Yak Herders was held in Charikot, Dolakha. The program was a joint venture of ForestAction Nepal and FECOFUN, Dolakha on Febraury 13, 2015. The main purpose of the event was to share the initial findings, issues and challenges of the research. This sharing was among all 6 district level representatives from different stakeholders, NGO, Governmental organizations like DFO, DDO, DLSC, FECOFUN, PAR CFUG’s. Yak Herders, FAN and ANSAB.
ForestAction organised a two-day South Asian Regional Workshop on Linking Research and Policy in collaboration with Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA), Sri Lanka and Evidence Based Policy in Development Network (EBPDN), on August 6-7, 2009, in Kathmandu. The workshop brought together researchers, policy makers, think tank groups, academicians, and practitioners from South Asia to share and reflect on their experiences and lessons in relation to research-policy linkages. The participants also shared empirical lessons and insights on different approaches, strategies and techniques adopted at the sub-national, national, and regional levels.
ForestAction hosted this South Asian Regional Workshop on CCAs organised by Kalpavriksh, India. A total of 45 participants from Nepal, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan discussed the outcomes of a yearlong study on CCAs in South Asia.They exchanged country level experiences and issues of CCAs. The issue of terminology, definition, criteria for CCAs, country specificities and context of CCAs, implications of legal recognition, emerging global data base on CCAs, support to CCAs, appropriate institutional mechanisms of CCAs, their role in wider landscapes, compliance of element of CBD Program of Work on Protected Areas were some of the emerging issues brought out during the workshop. The issue of scanty documentation and mapping of CCAs was one of the common issues across nations in south Asia.
ForestAction, Kalpavriksh, Small Grants Programme-UNDP Nepal and IRDC jointly organized national consultative workshop on CCAs. In the first day, representatives of local communities and indigenous peoples, and civil society organisations, deliberated on the concept and potentials of CCAs, exchanged their experiences on conservation and constraints they are facing. The issue of global database on CCAs under UNEP-WCMC was also discussed. In the second day, amidst diverse stakeholders including representatives of Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Department of Forests, ad hoc ‘Network of ICCAs Nepal’ constituted during the workshop, put forth their concerns towards enabling legal and policy environment, recognition and support for CCAs. Dr. Uday Raj Sharma, then secretary of MFSC, acknowledged the significance of CCAs and stressed spaces for CCAs can be addressed through incorporation in protected area and district forest management plans despite legislative reforms.