2009 – Special Issue on Livelihoods and Forestry Programmer’s Experiences Vol. 8 (2)

Bhattarai, S., Jha, P.K. and Chapagain, N. 2009.Pro-poor Institutions: Creating Exclusive Rights to the Poor Groups in Community Forest Management.Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Rana, B.K., Khanal, K.P., Kotru,R. and JamarKattel, B.K. 2009.Tackling the Terai Forest Governance Impasse: Can District-level Multi-stakeholder Processes Help? .Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Jamarkattel, B.K., Dhungana, S.P., Baral, S., Rana, B. and Dhungana, H. 2009.Democratising Terai Forestry Governance: Emerging Innovations in the Western Terai Region of Nepal. Jouranl of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Kunwar, S.C., Ansari, A.S. and Luintel, H.S. 2009.Non-timber Forest Products Enterprise Development: Regulatory Challenges in the Koshi Hills of Nepal
Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Yadav,N.P., Yadav, K.P., yadav, K.K. and Thapa, N. 2009.Facilitating the Transition from Passive to Active Community Forest Management: Lessons from Rapti Zone, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Shrestha, R.B., Shrestha, S.L., Sudil, G.A. and Adhikari, S. 2009.Improving Community-level Governance: Adaptive Learning and Action in Community Forest User Groups in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).


Chapagain, N and Banjade, M.R. 2009. Community Forestry and Local Development: Experiences from the Koshi Hills of Nepal . Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

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B.K.,N.K.,Shrestha, R.K., Acharya,S.G. and Ansari, A.S. 2009.Maoist Conflict, Community Forestry and Livelihoods: Pro-poor Innovations in Forest Management in Nepal . Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).
