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Pokharel, B.K. and Ojha, H.R. Community Forestry in Nepal: A Platform for Public Deliberations or Technocratic Hegemony?
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Ojha, H.R. Forest Users’ Federation in Nepal: Emergence, Interventions and Contribution to Sustainable Community Management of Forests in Nepal.
Luintel, H.S. Do Civil Society Organizations Promote Equity in Community Forestry?A Reflection from Nepal’s Experiences. In Hanging in the Balance: Equity in Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Asia (eds.) Mahanty,S., Fox, J., Nurse, M., Stephen, P., and McLees, L. RECOFTC
Ojha, H.R. The Deliberative Scientist – Democratizing Scientific Practice in Forest Management. School of Development Studies,University of East Anglia