Climate change, local politics and institutional responses in Nepal: A synthesis of research findings

In 2011 the Danish Foreign Ministry funded a four year (2012-2015) four country comparative studies on climate change and rural institutions (CCRI) led by the Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS). The research has been carried out in Vietnam, Nepal, Uganda and Zambia and this document is the final report of the Nepal country team. The justification for the research was that much of the debate around climate change policy implementation has exclusively addressed national level policy and governance issues and there had been little focus on the challenges that would be faced by meso or district level institutions that are responsible for the implementation of national climate change policies. The Nepal component of the research was designed and implemented in partnership with ForestAction and SIAS in Nepal, and through active consultation with stakeholders in the country.

Citation: Khatri, D.B., Pain, A., Ojha. H., Adhikari, B., Pandey, C.L., Dhungana, H. and Joshi, T. 2015. Climate change, local politics and institutional responses in Nepal: A synthesis of research findings. Kathmandu: ForestAction Nepal and Southasia Institute of Advance Studies.