NRM and Biodiversity Specialist
Birendra K. Karna has a PhD in Natural Resources Management from the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, and a MSc and a MA degree in Botany and Anthropology respectively from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. His PhD dissertation on Impact of Armed Conflict on Community-Based Forest Governance and Management in Nepal was evaluated as “Excellent” by the external examiner, Nobel Laureate Professor Elinor Ostrom of Indiana University. He is a natural resources management (NRM) professional with 12 years of experiences in research and development of common property institutions, and climate change especially in area of community-based forest management and community-based climate change adaptation.
Prior to holding a position at ForestAction Nepal, Mr. Karna has served as Research Program Co-director at the Nepal Forest Resources and Institutions (NFRI) for eight years, where his major responsibilities included coordination of research in Nepal with Indiana University and University of Michigan, USA.; liaison with funding agencies; study design and execution research projects funded by and carried out for the HMGN/FAO/IFAD, Parks and People Project of UNDP, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation, the Ford Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation and the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, USA.
Publications (Articles/Book Chapters )
Peter Newton, Johan A Oldekop, Gernot Broding, Birendra K Karna and Arun Agrawal. 2016. Carbon, biodiversity, and livelioods in forest commons: synergies, trade-offs, and implications for REDD+. Environmental Research Letters 11(2016) 044017.
Ganesh P Shivakoti, Birendra K Karna, Ambika P Gautam and Makoto Inoue. 2015. Nepal: Evaluating Different Forest Management Regimes. In Multi-level Forest Governance in Asia, eds. Makoto Inoue and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
Birendra K Karna , Ganesh Shivakoti and Edward Webb. 2010. Resilience of Community Forestry under Conditions of Armed Conflict in Nepal. Environmental Conservation 1-9.
Mukunda Karmacharya, Birendra K Karna and Elinor Ostrom. 2008. Implication of Leasehold and Community Forestry for Poverty Alleviation. In Decentralization, Forests and Rural Communities: Policy Outcomes in South and Southeast Asia, eds. Edward L. Webb and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
Harini Nagendra, Mukunda Karmacharya and Birendra K Karna . 2008. Disentangling a Complex Web: Forests, People and Decentralization in Nepal. In Decentralization, Forests and Rural Communities: Policy Outcomes in South and Southeast Asia, eds. Edward L. Webb and Ganesh P. Shivakoti. New Delhi: SAGE Publications.
Thoms, Christopher A., Birendra K Karna and Mukunda B. Karmacharya 2006. Limitation of Leasehold Forestry for Poverty Alleviation in Nepal. Society and Natural Resources 19: 951-958.
Harini Nagendra, Birendra K Karna and Mukunda Karmacharya. 2005. Examining Institutional Change: Social Conflict in Nepal’s Leasehold Forestry Program. Conservation and Society 3: 72-91.
Harini Nagendra, Mukunda Karmacharya and Birendra K Karna . 2005. Evaluating Forest Management in Nepal: Views Across Space and Time. Ecology and Society 10(1): 24.
Harini Nagendra, Southworth, J., Tucker, C.M., Karmacharya M., Karna B. and Carlson, L.A. 2004. Remote Sensing for Policy Evaluation: Monitoring Parks in Nepal and Honduras. Environmental Management, 34(5): 748-760.
Thoms, Christopher A.; Mukunda B. Karmacharya; and Birendra K Karna . 2003. Exclusion Isn’t Easy: Lessons from a Leasehold Forest. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 2 (2): 48-54.