Call for Paper: Special Issue on Forest Fire

Call for Paper: Special Issue on Forest Fire

The Journal of Forest and Livelihood would like to invite interested researchers, scholars to submit their manuscripts for the special issue on ‘Forest Fire’. As an attempt to stimulate research and scholarly debate around the issue, we invite articles that contribute/address the following one or multiple issues.

1. Trends, causes, and consequences of forest fire

2. Innovative strategies for forest fire management

3. Silviculture and forest fire management

4. Policies and strategies in mitigating the risks of forest fire

5. Theoretical and practical concepts of vulnerability to forest fire

6. Use of technologies in managing forest fire

7. COVID-19 and forest fire management

Manuscripts should be submitted via email at and The deadline for full manuscript submission is 30 August 2021. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published online. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited.

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