Community Based Adaptive Learning in Management of Conflicts and Natural Resources

Community Based Adaptive Learning in Management of Conflicts and Natural Resources

  • April 25, 2014

One day inception workshop was carried out to understand the prevalent conflict over natural resources in three geographic settings of Terai, Mid-hills and Mountains. On 25th April 2014, an inception workshop was carried out in Nawalparasi to address the natural resources based conflict on Terai particularly on access rights on Buffer Zone Community Forest, issues of landless and distance users. Likewise, on 2nd July 2014, inception workshop was carried out in Kavre to understand the induced dynamics of growing market on outskirts of capital, changes in forest resource use pattern and elite capture in community forest. Similarly, on 5th July 2014, an inception workshop was organized in Dolakha to understand the conflict about local herders and CFUGs and introduced conservation area and questionable status quo of community forest. The workshop observed the participation of Community Forest User Group (CFUG) executive committee, FECOFUN-district and village level representatives and ForestAction Nepal researchers. The workshop encouraged each CFUG to draw out workable plan for each sites.