Exchange visit to Bangladesh, 20-28 December 2015(CALCNR project)

Exchange visit to Bangladesh, 20-28 December 2015(CALCNR project)

  • December 20, 2015

An exchange visit to different research sites of Bangladesh was organized during 20-28 December 2015. The visit was the part of Community based Adaptive Learning in Management of Conflicts and Natural Resources in Bangladesh and Nepal (CALCNR) research project activity which is a collaboration in research between ForestAction Nepal, iDE in Nepal and FHRC and Nice Foundation in Bangladesh. Altogether 12 participants representing different community based organizations (CFUGs, LAPA and MUS) and its network, FECOFUN participated the programme (see annex 1). The visit was one of the project learning and sharing activity and the aim of the visit was to enhance knowledge and leadership of CBO leaders on the co-management of natural resources, particularly the water and fisheries in Bangladesh and to understanding the nature of conflicts around those natural resources, initiatives taken for minimizing it and its outcomes on sustainable use and conservation of resources. During visit, different participatory action research sites were visited and discussions were carried out with the community people on the issues, progress and role of participator action and planning in minimizing those conflicts.

The visit was successful in enhancing the understand of participants on role of adaptive learning and PAR in transforming natural resource conflicts, strong collective action can foster ownerships on interventions and empowers communities and importance of evidences in developing negotiations amongst the conflict parties.