Facilitation for Advocacy Uptake to Oxfam’s “Balancing Unpaid Care Work and Paid Work” Workshop

Facilitation for Advocacy Uptake to Oxfam’s “Balancing Unpaid Care Work and Paid Work” Workshop

  • May 31, 2017

ForestAction Nepal participated in the workshop, “Balancing unpaid care work and paid work” organized by OXFAM Nepal on 31st May, 2017. The major role of ForestAction was facilitation of the advocacy uptake during the group discussion. The sharing of the study was done by the research team that conducted survey in various districts. The overall results from the study towards economic empowerment of women were shared by the team. After the sharing and discussion session, the floor was transferred for group work. The facilitation of the advocacy uptake was done by Krishna Paudel from ForestAction Nepal. The participants were divided into four groups and following topics were given for discussion:


  • What might be the possible solutions of “Balancing unpaid care work and paid work for women”?
  • What might be the take home message from this workshop?
  • What might be three policy advocacy issues regarding the topic to work upon?