2003 – Special Joint Issue with Rural Development Forestry Network. Vol. 3 (1)

Baginski, O.S., Dev, O.P., Yadav, N.P. and Soussan, J. 2003. Community Forest Management in the Middle Hills of Nepal: The Changing Context. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 5-20.

Baginski, O.S., Yadav, N., Dev, O.P. and Soussan, J. 2003. Institutional Development of Forest User Groups in Nepal: Processes and Indicators. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 21-36.

Yadav, N.P., Dev, O.P., Baginski, O.S. and Soussan, J. 2003. Forest Management and Utilization Under Community Forestry. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 37-50

Dev, O.P., Baginski, O.S., Yadav, N.P., Soussan, J. 2003. Hamlet-Based Micro-Level Action Planning: A Tool for Improving FUG’s Planning, Decision-Making and Implementation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 51-63

Dev, O.P. , Yadav, N.P., Baginski, O.S., Soussan, J. 2003. Impacts of Community Forestry on Livelihoods in the Middle Hills of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 64-77

Malla, Y.B., Neupane, H.R., Branney, Peter, J. 2003. Why aren’t Poor People Benefiting More from Community Forestry? Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 78-90

Richards, M., Maharjan, M. and Kanel, K. 2003. Economics, Poverty and Transparency: Measuring Equity in Forest user Groups. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 3(1): 91-104