Meeting with the Forest User Groups of Bhagwanthumki, Banepa

Meeting with the Forest User Groups of Bhagwanthumki, Banepa

  • February 24, 2019

ForestAction Nepal under the EnLiFT project organized meetings with the community forest user groups of Bhagwanthumki, Banepa, one of the research sites of the project. The meeting was carried out from 24 February to 8 March 2019. Mr Kamal Bhandari, a member of the EnLiFT research team, informed the participants about the EnLiFT project and the work that will be conducted under the three different themes in the Community Forest. He further informed the participants on the objective of the meeting which was:

  • To inform the participants about the EnLiFT project;
  • To find out about their interest in Community Forestry (CF) and
  • To find out about the present status of the CF and their future expectations from the forest.