A National Inception Workshop for “Economic Empowerment of Women through Forest Solutions”- an Action Research Project funded by IDRC Canada and implemented by a consortium of ForestAction Nepal, The Himalayan Grassroots Women’s Natural Resource Management Association (HIMAWANTI), Association of Family Forest Owner’s, Nepal (AFFON) and Federation of Forest-based Industry and Trade, Nepal (FenFIT-Nepal) was held on 2nd January 2022. The workshop aimed at further refining the methodology, strengthening the research-policy linkage, and building synergy among the stakeholders.
The workshop was participated by 38 members representing Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation, Department of Forest, Department of Forest Research and Training Center, Universities, Research-based organizations, Civil Society Organizations, journalists, and other organizations. The program was designed to introduce the project among stakeholders and break-out sessions to discuss existing practices, barriers/issues/challenges, and opportunities around the project themes i.e. Women’s economic empowerment and women agency; Sustainable forest management, and Forest-based enterprises.
The program was successful in obtaining insights on the project components, approaches, including developing a consensus among stakeholders on importance of women’s economic empowerment through low carbon solutions. Majority of the participants highlighted the “forest as a means to prosperity” as envisioned by the Ministry of Forest and Environment. The stakeholders expressed strong commitments to make the program successful.