Community Based Adaptive Learning in Management of Conflicts and Natural Resources in Bangladesh and Nepal (CALCNR)

The project will address knowledge gaps between community management of natural resources, local adaptation innovations and national policy debates over climate change and conflict, through four focal areas: 1. Enhancing understanding and generating evidence on community institutions and how they perform over issues of NR conflicts (including identification of factors underlying any switches between co-operation and conflict); 2.Examining the impacts of climate change induced bio-physical changes on human-NR interactions, and how far this exacerbates any natural resource conflicts; 3. Analysing how and to what extent the mainstream and new (climate change responsive) policies favour or disfavour minimising conflicts and facilitate co-operation in NR management; and 4. Developing adaptive learning frameworks for managing climate induced conflicts and enhancing cooperation through testing these among existing CBO networks.

  • Period: 01/01/2014 – 01/12/2017
  • Financial Support: Middlesex University /NWO