A three day Rapid Need Assessment (RNA) training was organized by BNMT, ForestAction and WVAF along with 11 consortium partners on May, 2008 in Kathmandu. The main objective of this training was to enhance the capacity of district partner organizations, district project coordinators and project officers to create baseline and assess the need of stakeholders to run the Fostering Health and Livelihoods of Conflict Affected People in Nepal (VCP) project effectively and efficiently. Project Management TrainingA three day Project Management Training was organized by BNMT, ForestAction and WVAF along with 11 consortium partners on July, 2008 in Kathmandu. The objective of this training was to enable the participants (head of partner organizations, district project coordinators and project officers) to develop and adopt essential knowledge, attitude and skills to manage VCP project in an effective way in the local context.