Workshop on National Consultation on Community Conservation

ForestAction, Kalpavriksh, Small Grants Programme-UNDP Nepal and IRDC jointly organized national consultative workshop on CCAs. In the first day, representatives of local communities and indigenous peoples, and civil society organisations, deliberated on the concept and potentials of CCAs, exchanged their experiences on conservation and constraints they are facing. The issue of global database on CCAs under UNEP-WCMC was also discussed. In the second day, amidst diverse stakeholders including representatives of Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MFSC), Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Department of Forests, ad hoc ‘Network of ICCAs Nepal’ constituted during the workshop, put forth their concerns towards enabling legal and policy environment, recognition and support for CCAs. Dr. Uday Raj Sharma, then secretary of MFSC, acknowledged the significance of CCAs and stressed spaces for CCAs can be addressed through incorporation in protected area and district forest management plans despite legislative reforms.