2007 – JFL Vol. 6 (1)

Paudel, N.S. and Luintel, H.S. 2007. EditorialJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

1_Editorial introduction -final-HO-Oct8(2)

Ojha, H.R., Timsina, N.P and Khanal, D. 2007. How are Forest Policy Decisions Made in Nepal?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

1_Ojha et_al

Dhungana,S.P., Oli,B.N. and Mandal, R.A. 2007. Claiming a Bird in Hand: Economic Potential of Plantation in Nepal under Clean Development MechanismJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

2_Dhungana et_al

Bampton, J. and Cammaert, B. 2007. How Can Timber Rents Better Contribute to Poverty Reduction through Community Forestry in the Terai Region of Nepal?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

2_Dhungana et_al

Banjade, M.R., Paudel, N.S., Ojha, H.R., McDougall, C., and Prabhu, R. 2007. Conceptualising Meso-Level Governance in the Management of Commons: Lessons from Nepal’s Community ForestryJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

5. Banjade et_al

Gentle, P., Acharya, K.P., and Dahal, G.R. 2007. Advocacy Campaign to Improve Governance in Community Forestry: A Case from Western NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

5_Gentle et_al

Paudel,K.P., Green, K., Ojah, H.R. and Barnes, R. 2007. Challenges to Participation: Lessons from Participatory Action Research with Community Forest User Groups in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

6_Paudel et_al