The forests resource assessment report 2014 reports 5 % increment of forest cover in 20 years’ time from 1990. Despite of this increment, there has not been much improvement in the quality and productivity of the forestland mainly due to the subsistence forest management practices. As a result, the full potential of forests to produce its goods and services could not be harnessed. In the past, several silvicultural practices were demonstrated on various forest types. However, these practices could not be scaled up due to differences on understanding on the importance of silvicultural interventions. To address these issues, the Department of Forests in collaboration with other departments under the Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation and non-governmental organizations is organizing a three-day “National Workshop on Silviculture” on the particular theme of “Silviculture for Sustainable Forest Management”. This workshop will provide a common platform for the government, non-government, and academic sectors to identify methods on and lessons from various silvicultural piloting and intervention experiences, to recommend for their effective implementation.