Grassroots issues and concerns regarding REDD+ in Nepal

Nepal embarked on REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) following the approval of the R-PIN (REDD Plan Idea Note) in 2008. In the course of REDD+ process, three institutional tiers – i) The Apex body, ii) The REDD working group, and iii) The REDD Implementation Center – were formed by the Government of Nepal. The REDD+ process involved consultations with diverse groups of stakeholders including women, Indigenous Peoples, Dalits, and forest user groups. Yet, grievances over the REDD+ process emerged at the latter stages of the REDD+ phase. While some of the concerns remained over the REDD+ policy process, on the other hand skepticism among the forest user groups that REDD+ would undermine the rights over forest has been observed. This booklet synthesizes the key issues and concerns of local communities, over the REDD+ process, in 18 districts of Nepal with grassroots capacity building on REDD+ implemented by the RECOFTC (Center for People and Forests) along with its partners.

Citation: Karki, R., Manandhar, S., Paudel, N.S., Adhikary., Anukram and Roy, R. 2016. Grassroots issues and concerns regarding REDD+ in Nepal. ForestAction Nepal and RECOFTC.

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