Knowledge Systems and Natural Resources: Management, Policy, and Institutions in Nepal

Knowledge Systems and Natural Resources: Management, Policy, and Institutions in Nepal

Editors: Hemant R. Ojha, Netra P. Timsina, Ram B. Chhetri and Krishna P. Paudel.

Publisher: Adroit Publishers, New Delhi, India

Copyright: Cambridge University Press, India and International Development Research Center, Canada


Pages: 9788175965638 Book


This book analyses how diverse knowledge systems operate in the field of natural resource management in Nepal. In order to examine the status of knowledge systems interface and identify the challenges of participatory and deliberative governance of natural resources, the book presents six case studies on forest, agriculture and water governance at different levels – from local community (such as a farmer managed irrigation system) to national research system (such as national agricultural research council) and civil society networking (such as national federation of community forestry users). The over arching issue being addressed in the book is – how questions of equity, efficiency and sustainability in natural resource management are shaped, influenced and determined by deliberative interfaces among diverse knowledge systems associated with diverse groups of social agents engaged in the practice of natural resource governance. Analysis of this issue in the light of empirical evidence and theoretical perspectives can help us draw policy and practical implications for effective knowledge management and social learning in natural resource governance. The book is primarily an analysis of Nepal’s experiences and the findings have much wider relevance.