Non-timber forest products enterprise development: regulatory challenges experiences in the Koshi hills of Nepal.

Non-timber forest products enterprise development: regulatory challenges experiences in the Koshi hills of Nepal.

In this context, this paper reviews government policies and its implementation mechanisms to find out the policy obstacles. Drawing on the experience of promoting NTFP enterprises in the Koshi Hills of Nepal, our analysis shows that policy affects enterprise success through creating disabling environment in production and/or supply of raw materials, processing those materials and marketing of the semi‐processed and/or final commodities. The findings show that unfavorable government policies and regulatory frameworks have remained a major barrier to the establishment and commercial operation of the NTFP enterprises. Similarly, it is realized that without developing enterprises and attracting private sector investment in forestry sectors in general and NTFP in particular, employment generation for rural people is a distant phenomenon….

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Kunwar, S.C., Ansari, A.S. and Luintel, H. 2009. Non-timber forest products enterprise development: regulatory challenges experiences in the Koshi hills of Nepal. Discussion Paper. ForestAction Nepal.