Lessons from Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ in Nepal

Climate change has impacted almost all the development sectors of Nepal and people’s livelihoods base. Adapting to climate change while expanding economic prosperity is perhaps the most defining challenge for Nepal. In this regard, the Government of Nepal embarked on its journey towards REDD+ in 2008 and at present is in the process of finalizing its National REDD+ Strategy. In the course of REDD+ readiness in Nepal, multiple stakeholders and groups representing the Indigenous Peoples, Dalit’s, women and forestdependent poor have been consulted with the aim of seeking and addressing their respective issues and concerns. Despite this, grievances and reservations pertaining to the overall REDD+ mechanism still exist, especially among the grassroots communities and stakeholders in Nepal. Grassroots stakeholders are considered to be one of the main beneficiaries of REDD+. They play an active and constructive role in the management and conservation of forests in Nepal.

Citation: Manandhar, S., Adhikary., Anukram, Paudel, N.S., and Roy, R. 2016. Lessons from Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ in Nepal. ForestAction Nepal and RECOFTC.

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