Making REDD Functional in Nepal: Action Points for Capitalizing Opportunities and Addressing Challenges.
Climate change is an emerging problem of global scale having deep impacts at local scale. Effects of global warming encompass all vital systems supporting world populations, namely, water resources, human health, agriculture, forests and biodiversity. Nepal is among the most vulnerable countries to climate change since the annual mean temperature growth (0.06 degree Celsius) is at least six times higher than the global average1 . High mountains are warming faster (0.08 degrees C per year) than lower hills and plains (0.04 degrees C per year). Fast receding glaciers and growing number and size of glacial lakes in the Himalaya provide strong visual evidence of global warming effects at local level. Higher rates of mean annual temperature in high altitude regions mean severe impacts on local natural resources and environment such as faster melting of snow deposits in the Himalayan peaks and glaciers, undesirable changes in forest and vegetation compositions, and many uncertainties on weather characteristics. Similarly, changes in forestry and vegetation systems have also been reported….
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