Kamal Prasad Bhandari

Kamal Prasad Bhandari

Training and Advocacy Specialist


Kamal Bhandari holds a Masters degree from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has 16 years long working experience in the field of development, particularly in Natural Resource Management, Participatory forest Management, Climate Change, Livelihoods  Governance Reform and Capacity Building from different organizations of Nepal. As a development worker, he has visited over 56 districts out of 75 of Nepal.

Mr. Bhandari is currently engaged as a training and advocacy specialist in ForestAction Nepal. He has published serveral articles in different national and international journals. He has published a book named ‘Energy’ for social tranformation. As training and advocacy specialist, he has organized many training in differnt theme like forest goverance and livelihoods, climate change and food security, Climate adaptationa and mitigation, leadership, gender and social inclusion etc.


Timsina, N.P., Luintel, H.S., Bhandari, K., and Thapaliya A. 2004. Action and Learning: An Approach for Facilitating a Change in Knowledge and Power Relationship in Community Forestry. Journal of Forestry and Livelihoods, 4(1): 5-12.

Banjade, M.R., Timsina, N.P., Neupane, H.R., Bhandari, K., Bhattarai, T. and Rana, S.K. 2006. Transforming Agency and Structure for Facilitating Pro-Poor Governance in Community Forestry. Journal of Forestry and Livelihoods, 5 (1): 22-33.

Bhandari ,K . 2002. Is community forestry only for those having money? Hamro Ban Sampada 1(1): 53-55.

Bhandari, K .2003. Community Forestry User Groups towards Equity – an Experience. Hamro Ban Sampada, 1(2): 4-5

Bhandari, K. 2004. People’s Participation is Needed to Control Rhino Poaching. Hamro Ban Sampada, 2(2): 22-27.

Bhandari, K. 2005. Non Timber Forest Products in Local People’s perspective. Hamro Ban Sampada 3(1): 40-43.

Bhandari, K. 2006. Triphala- An Alternative Source of Income from Community Forests Hamro Ban Sampada, 4(1): 47-48.

Bhandari K, Sunam R, Pariyar S. 20011. REDD for Dalit and Poor. Hamro Ban Sampada, 8 (2): 94-97

कमल भण्डारी र दिपेश के.सी. वन उद्यम व्यवसायमा निजी क्षेत्रको संभावना र चुनौतीहरु वन उद्यम स्मारिका, नेपाल वन पैदावार उद्योग व्यवसायी महासंघ, कोटेश्वर काठमाण्डौं आश्विन, २०७४

कमल भण्डारी, सामुदायिक वनको दिगो व्यवस्थापनमा समूहको सुशासन मूख्य चुनौती ः सामुदायिक वन बुलेटिन, अंक १७, नेपाल सरकार वन तथा भू—संरक्षण मन्त्रालय वन विभाग सामुदायिक वन महाशाखा बबरमहल, काठमाण्डौं, असार २०७४

कमल भण्डारी, के वनले खाद्य सुरक्षामा प्रवद्र्धनमा टेवा पुर्याउन सक्छ ?, हाम्रो वन सम्पदा बर्ष १४, अंक १ फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल, वागडोल ललितपुर २०७४

करिश्मा गुरुङ्ग र कमल भण्डारी, खाद्य सुरक्षा प्रवद्र्धनका लागि कृषि विमा तथा अनुदानको सान्दर्भिकता, हाम्रो वन सम्पदा बर्ष १४, अंक १ फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल, वागडोल ललितपुर २०७४

नयाँ शर्मा पौडेल, राहुल कार्की र कमल भण्डारी, सामुदायिक वनबाट खाद्य सुरक्षाका सम्भावना र चुनौती, हाम्रो वन सम्पदा बर्ष १४, अंक १ फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल, वागडोल ललितपुर २०७४

प्रविण भूषाल, जिसन कार्की, कमल भण्डारी, नयाँ शर्मा पौडेल, विस्तारित सामुदायिक वन ः तराई क्षेत्रका टाढाका उपभोक्ताहरुको आवश्यकता र आकांक्षा सम्वोधन गर्ने उपयुक्त उपाय, नीतिगत वहस पत्र ४३ फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल वागडोल ललितपुर असार २०७३ प्र

विण भूषाल, जिसन कार्की, कमल भण्डारी, नयाँ शर्मा पौडेल, भूमिहीनता र वन व्यवस्थापन ः सामुदायिक वनको भूमिका, नीतिगत वहस ४४, फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल वागडोल ललितपुर असार २०७३

कमल भण्डारी, उदिप रेग्मी, कृष्ण पौडेल र नया शर्मा पौडेल सामुदायिक वनमा खाद्य सुरक्षा प्रवद्र्धन ः संभावना र चुनौती, फरेष्टएक्सन नेपाल २०७२

Subedi, Y.R., Bhandari, K. and Thapa, R.K. 2015. Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Food Security with Respect to Agriculture and Livestock Production in Siraha District of Nepal ( for CARE Nepal and SCDC, Siraha)

Bhandari K. 2014. Samaj Rupantaranka Lagi Manabiya Urja, Book 3rd Edition ( In Nepali). Kathmandu: B.L Press

Bhandari T. and Bhandari, K. 2014. A study report on Analyzing policy and practices related to contract and leasehold farming. (For National Farmer Groups Federation (NFGF), Nepal.

भण्डारी कमल, कृषिमा युवा अनाकर्षण, नया पत्रिका, २३ वैशाख २०७०

भण्डारी कमल, नेपाली समाजमा रेमिटान्सले पारको प्रभाव, नेपाल समाचार पत्र, १८ असार २०७०

भण्डारी कमल, नेपालको खस्कदो कृषि र युवाहरुको विदेश पलायन, हाम्रो वन सम्पदा, वर्ष १० अङ्क ः२, २०६९

Bhandari K. and Basyal Madan. 2012. The aggravating forest of Terai :An analysis Hamro Ban Sampada 10 (1)55-60 Bhandari K. and Pandey Thakur. 2012. How democratic are community forest around protected area ? Hamro Ban Sampada 9(1) 11-18

Paudel, N.S., Luintel, H.S., Khatri, D.B. and Bhandari, K. 2012. Enabling forest users to exercise their rights: Rethinking regulatory barriers to communities and smallholders earning their living from timber. ForestAction and RECOFTC.

Khatri, D.B, Paudel, N.S., Bista, R. and Bhandari, K. 2011. Review of REDD+ Payment Mechanism under Pilot Project: Implication for Future Carbon Payments in Nepal. Research Report, ForestAction Nepal. Uprety, D., Luintel, H. and Bhandari, K. 2011. REDD+ and Conflict in Community Forest. Research Report, ForestAction Nepal and RECOFTC.

Bhandari K, Sunam R, Pariyar S. 2011. REDD for Dalit and Poor, Hamro Ban Sampada 8 (2) 94-97

Bhandari, K. 2006. Triphala- An Alternative Source of Income from Community Forests Hamro Ban Sampada 4(1). 47-48.

Bhandari, K. 2061. Non Timber Forest Products in Local People’s perspective. Hamro Ban Sampada 3(1). 40-43.

Bhandari, K. 2061. People’s Participation is Needed to Control Rhino Poaching. Hamro Ban Sampada 2(2). 22-27.

Bhandari, K 2060. Community Forestry User Groups towards Equity – an Experience. Hamro Ban Sampada 1(2). 4-5