Research Fellow-GESI
Fighting for enhanced role of women in mainstream development.
A researcher, activist, technical adviser, and policy advocate.
Kanchan Lama, a Master in Political Science, BA hons (Pol Sc), along with special courses in Gender and Development, program development, impact evaluation, participatory research and training, possesses strong theoretical and practical experience in gender analysis, research, mainstreaming, training, review and evaluation. She has worked for more than twenty-nine years with the major INGOs, bi lateral and multilateral agencies, both in national and international fields. She represents Women Major Group at global policy debates, mainly on women’s rights in benefit sharing systems in natural resource management, in several UN global forums, e.g., UNFF, CSD, UNFCCC, SDG, and so on. Currently she provides advisory services to strengthening gender and inclusion in public policy and strategy development for effective results of the SDGs. Besides associated to Forest Action as a research fellow, she holds position of BoD executive member in Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN) based in USA and Chairperson for Women Leading for Change in NRM–Nepal, including BoD positions in several institutions, to name a few, Community of Evaluators (COE) and South Asian Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS).