World wide views on Biodiversity Citizens meeting was organized on september 15, 2012 in Kathmandu.
Around 100 Nepali citizens from diverse backgrounds will gather on September 15, 2012 in Kathmandu to express their views on biodiversity issues. This is a global consultation meeting which will be participated by thousands of citizens in 25 countries in five continents. The event is named as World Wide Views (WWViews) on Biodiversity where at least 100 citizens will gather in each participating country to share their views on biodiversity. The daylong event will start from dawn in the Pacific and end in the Americas. The participants during the program will represent different geographic location (Mountain, Hills, Terai), age groups, ethnicity, educational level and occupation. The main aim of the event is to create awareness among the participants on issues pertaining to biodiversity as well as scale up the voices to national and global policy makers. The results obtained during the event, along with those from rest of the countries will be presented during the Conference of Parties (COP) 11 of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in India on October, 2012.