Publication: Economic empowerment of women through forest solutions

Economic Empowerment of Women through Forest Solutions is a 30 months’ action research project funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada and implemented by a consortium of ForestAction Nepal, The Himalayan Grassroots Women’s Natural Resource Management Association (HIMAWANTI), Association of Family Forest Owner’s, Nepal (AFFON) and Federation of Forest-based Industry and Trade, Nepal (FenFIT-Nepal). The project aims to develop business models and scalable solutions to increase women’s access and control over forest resources and forest-based enterprises, enabling them to make economic decisions.


Project Introduction


Economic empowerment of women through forest solutions


Neglected weeds economically empowers through rural women’s entrepreneurial initiatives

Green enterprises are empowering marginalised women and beating plastic pollution

Sustainability of women’s access to forest resources is ensured

The hands that weave baskets can transform the climate context

Opportunities and challenges for empowering Nepali women in community forestry