Enhancing forest fire management capacities of forest officers

Enhancing forest fire management capacities of forest officers

Enhancing forest fire management capacities of forest officers

Enhancing forest fire management capacities of forest officers

With the aim of equipping forest officers from Bagmati Province with the knowledge and skills on forest fire, the Ministry of Forest and Environment, Bagmati Province in collaboration with ForestAction Nepal, and in support of the Australian Embassy, Nepal, and the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has concluded a transformative Training on Forest Fire Management in Dhulikhel, Kavre from 22-24 December 2024.

The training has successfully drawn 17 forest officers from 13 district across the Bagmati Province. This training emphasized proactive prevention measures at the division level and the vital role of forest officers as facilitators and trainers. Comprehensive lectures and field demonstration on forest fire suppression techniques were adopted for the training. The training primarily focused on the following aspects of forest fire management:

Implement effective forest fire prevention and response strategies in their respective districts,

Share their expertise with community members and subordinates, fostering a broader understanding of forest fire management,

Design community-focused forest fire prevention and response initiatives that directly benefit local stakeholders and ecosystems.

This training is believed to have contributed towards supporting the forest officers who remain in the front line of forest fire management across the region.