2014 – Special Issue on Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security. Vol 12(1)

This special issue on ‘sustainable agriculture and food security’ examines diverse aspects of agriculture policies and practices in Nepal. There is an increased appreciation of ‘food’ as a crucial product for life, not only an economic commodity, and that it is closely associated with sustainable farming and food sovereignty. Current agricultural modernizing policies, have narrowly conceived agriculture as purely an economic sector. Accordingly, agricultural system as a whole has been obliterated and farmers are losing control on farming. At the same time ecosystem is losing resilient capacity to produce healthy food. In this context, sustainable agriculture can be seen as a way out. Sustainable agriculture combines science and art in producing food, fiber, and other products while enriching the ecosystem. This means producing healthy food without compromising the future generation’s ability to produce food and critical ecosystem services. However, globalization has affected Nepal’s agricultural sector in unique way. The corporate control has just been started, especially by introducing hybrid seeds and chemical fertilizer. Migration of youths to overseas labour markets has resulted labour scarcity in farms. How far this process is helping or hindering the sustainable agriculture has been the main theme taken by most articles in this issue of the journal. 

Sunam. R.K. 2014. Rising Foreign Labour Migration and Implications for Farming and Food Security in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Paudel, K.P., Tamang, S. and Shrestha, K.K. 2014. Transforming Land and Livelihood: Analysis of Agricultural Land Abandonment in the Mid Hills of Nepal.Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Tamang, S. Paudel, K.P., and Shrestha, K.K. 2014. Feminization of Agriculture and its Implications for Food Security in Rural Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Adhikari, J. 2014. Seed Sovereignty: Analysing the Debate on Hybrid Seeds and GMOs and Bringing About Sustainability in Agricultural Development. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Pandit, B.H., Shrestha, K.K. and Bhattarai, S.S. 2014. Sustainable Local Livelihoods through Enhancing Agroforestry Systems in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Kaphle, M. and Dahal, K.K. 2014. Accessing Water Resources: A Case Study of Ways to Improve Access of Marginalized Communities to Underutilized Lakes for Fish Farming in Rukum and Kapilbastu Districts, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

Dahal, K.R. 2014. System of Rice Intensifiation (SRI): A Potential Approach to Enhance Rice Productivity and Food Security. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12(1).

2013 – Special Issue on REDD+. Vol. 11(2)

This issue of JFL brings diverse issues, lessons and insights gained from the field experience and therefore contributes to ongoing debate on REDD+ in Nepal and beyond by informing academicians, policy makers and practitioners. This issue has two different sets of articles; the first set – comprising of five articles – brings the analysis and synthesis of the lessons from
grassroots interventions and information on REDD+ related concepts. 

Luintel, H., Silori, C.S., Frick, S. and Poudyal, B.H. 2013. Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+: Lessons from Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Poudyal, B.H., Paudel, G. and Luintel, H. 2013. Enhancing REDD+ Outcomes through Improved Governance of Community Forestry User Groups. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,11(2).

Silori, C.S., Frick, S., Luintel, H. and Poudyal, B.H. 2013. Social Safeguards in REDD+: A Review of Existing Initiatives and Challenges. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Karky, B.S., Vaidya, R., Karki, S. and Tulachan, B. 2013. What is REDD+ Additionality in Community-Managed Forest for Nepal? Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Manandhar, U. 2013. Forest Monitoring, Measurement, Reporting and Verifications: From Principle to Practice. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Paudel, G. and Karki, R. 2013. REDD+ Governance, Benefit Sharing and the Community: Understanding REDD+ from Stakeholder’s Perspective in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Joshi, L., Karky, B.S., Poudel, K.C., Bhattarai, K., Dangi, R., Acharya, K., Uprety, B., Singh, V., Chan, N. and Manandhar, U. 2013. Co-benefits of REDD+ in Community-Managed Forests in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Bluffstone, R. 2013. Economics of REDD+ and Community Forestry. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Gritten, D., Silori, C., Suzuki, R. and Dhiaulhaq, A. 2013. REDD+ as a Source of Conflict and Cooperation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(2).

Sherpa, P.D. and Rai, T.B. 2013. Experience of Nepali Indigenous Peoples on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC). Journal of Forest and Livelihood,11(2).

2013 – Special Issue on Climate Change Adaptation. Vol. 11(1)

This issue of JFL has a collection of seven papers on climate change adaptation. Five articles focuses on institutional dynamics of climate change adaptation in Nepal.

Paudel, N.S., Khatri, D.B., Ojha, H., Karki, R. and Gurung, N., 2013. Integrating Climate Change Adaptation with Local Development: Exploring Institutional OptionsJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(1):1-13

Khatri, D.B., Bista, R. and Gurung, N. 2013. Climate Change Adaptation and Local Institutions: How to Connect Community Groups with Local Government for Adaptation PlanningJournal of Forest and Livelihood,11(1): 14-28

Dhungana, S.P. and Wagle, R. 2013. How Climate Change Discourses are Negotiated at Meso Level: Revisiting Annual Development Planning in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood,11(1): 29-42

Regmi, B.R. and Bhandari, D. 2013. Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal: Exploring Ways to Overcome the Barriers. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(1): 43-61

Jha, P.K. and Shrestha, K.K. 2013. Climate Change and Urban Water Supply: Adaptive Capacity of Local Government in Kathmandu City, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,11(1): 62-81

Thang,T.N., Dung, N.T. and Hoang, N.V. 2013. Adaptability in Agriculture and Forestry Activities in Huong Son Commune, Vietnam. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11(1): 82-93

Miah, M.G., Ahmed, M. and Afroz, T. 2013. Climate Change and Adaptation: Evidence from a Forest-dependent Community in Bangladesh. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,11(1): 94-108

2012 -Special Issue on Forest Policy Process. Vol. 10(1)

Ojha, H.R., Paudel, N.S., Khatri, D.B. and B.K., D. 2012. Can Policy Learning be Catalyzed? Ban Chautari Experiment in Nepal’s Forestry Sector. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Sunam, R and Paudel, G. 2012. Democratising Nepal’s Forest Sector Policy Process: The Role of Resistance by Community Federation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Paudel, N.S., Jana, S. and Khatiwada, B. 2012. Contestation and Citized-Led Negotiation Around the Establishment of Protected Areas in Nepal HimalayaJournal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Banjade, M.R. 2012. Discourse and Discursive Practices Over Timber in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Khatri, D.B. 2012. Is REDD+ Redefining Forest Governance in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Paudel, N.S., Jana, S. and Rai J.K. 2012. Contested Law: Slow Response to Demands for Reformulating Protected Area Legal Framework in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

Ojha, H.R. 2012. Improving Forest Governance through Critical Action Research (CAR): Lessons from ForestAction Nepal’s Experiences. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 10(1)

2010 – JFL Vol. 9(1)

Paudel, D., Khatri, D. B. and Paudel, G. 2010.Corpo-burcaucratizing Community Forestry: Commercialization and the Increased Financial Transaction in Community Forestry User Groups in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood9(1).

Pokheral, R.K. 2010. Generating Income from Nepal’s Commnuity Forestry: Does Timber Matter?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 9(1).

Jha, B.N. and Paudel, G. 2010. REDD Moniotoring, Reporting and Verification Systems in Nepal: Gaps, Issues and ChallengesJournal of Forest and Livelihood9(1).

Ghate, R. and Ghate, S. 2010.Autonomy Necessary but not Sufficient: Comparative Study of CFM, Nepal and JFM, IndiaJournal of Forest and Livelihood9(1).

Dahal, N. and Bajracharya, R.M. 2010. Prospects of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: Implications for Nepal’s Mountain AgricultureJournal of Forest and Livelihood9(1).

B.K., N.K. 2010. Maoist People’s War and Community Adaptation: A Case of Community Forest User Groups NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood9(1).

2009 – Special Issue on Livelihoods and Forestry Programme’s Experiences Vol. 8 (2)

Bhattarai, S., Jha, P.K. and Chapagain, N. 2009.Pro-poor Institutions: Creating Exclusive Rights to the Poor Groups in Community Forest Management.Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Rana, B.K., Khanal, K.P., Kotru,R. and JamarKattel, B.K. 2009.Tackling the Terai Forest Governance Impasse: Can District-level Multi-stakeholder Processes Help? .Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Jamarkattel, B.K., Dhungana, S.P., Baral, S., Rana, B. and Dhungana, H. 2009.Democratising Terai Forestry Governance: Emerging Innovations in the Western Terai Region of Nepal. Jouranl of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Kunwar, S.C., Ansari, A.S. and Luintel, H.S. 2009.Non-timber Forest Products Enterprise Development: Regulatory Challenges in the Koshi Hills of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Yadav,N.P., Yadav, K.P., yadav, K.K. and Thapa, N. 2009.Facilitating the Transition from Passive to Active Community Forest Management: Lessons from Rapti Zone, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Shrestha, R.B., Shrestha, S.L., Sudil, G.A. and Adhikari, S. 2009.Improving Community-level Governance: Adaptive Learning and Action in Community Forest User Groups in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

Chapagain, N and Banjade, M.R. 2009. Community Forestry and Local Development: Experiences from the Koshi Hills of Nepal . Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

B.K., N.K., Shrestha, R.K., Acharya, S.G. and Ansari, A.S. 2009. Maoist Conflict, Community Forestry and Livelihoods: Pro-poor Innovations in Forest Management in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 8(2).

2009 – Special Issue on Climate Change Vol. 8 (1)

Ojha.H.R.2009.Climate Change, Forestry and Carbon Financing in Nepal: Editorial IntroductionJournal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Chaudhary, P. and Aryal, K.P. 2009. Global Warming in Nepal: Challenges and Policy Imperatives . Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Adhikari,B. 2009.Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation: Some Issues and ConsiderationsJournal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Staddon,S. 2009.Carbon Financing and Community Forestry: A Review of the Questions, Challenges and the Case of NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Karky,B.S. and Banskota, K. 2009.Reducing Emissions from Nepal’s Community Managed Forests: Discussion for CoP 14 in Poznan.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Pokherel, B. and Baral,J. 2009. From Green to REDD, from Aid to Trade: Translating the Forest Carbon Concept into PracticeJournal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Dahal, N. and Banskota, K. 2009. Cultivating REDD in Nepal’s Community Forestry: A Discourse for Capitalizing on Potential?Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Kotru,R. 2009.Nepal’s National REDD Framework: How to Start?.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1)

Dhital,N. 2009.Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) in Nepal: Exploring the Possibilities.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Oli, B.N. and Shrestha, K. 2009. Carbon Status in Forests of Nepal: An OverviewJournal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Dhakal,B. 2009.Carbon Liability, Market Price Risk and Social Impact of Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Programme.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Basnet,R. 2009.Carbon Ownership in Community Managed Forests.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Nightingale,A.J. 2009.Warming up the Climate Change Debate: A Challenge to Policy based on Adaptation.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Gurung,G.B. and Bhandari,D. 2009.Integrated Approach to Climate Change Adaptation.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Lamichhane,B.R.,Subedi,R. and Awasthi, K.D. 2009.Changing Climate in a Mountain Sub-watershed in Nepal.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Lamichhane,B.R.,Subedi,R. and Awasthi, K.D. 2009.Changing Climate in a Mountain Sub-watershed in Nepal.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Chapagain,B.K., Subedi,R. and Paudel, N.S. 2009.Exploring Local Knowledge of Climate Change: Some Reflections.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

Regmi, B.R., Thapa,L., Suwal,R.,Khadka,S., Sharma,G.B. and Tamang,B.B. 2009.Agro-biodiversity Management: An Opportunity for Mainstreaming Community-based Adaptation to Climate Change.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,8(1).

2008 – Special Issue on Forest Tenure. Vol. 7 (1)

Luintel, H.S. and Chhetri,R.B. 2008.Understanding Tenure Security in Community ForestryJournal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Acharya,K.P., Adhikari,J.N. and Kahanal,D. 2008 Forest Tenure Regimes and Their Impact on Livelihoods in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Dahal,G.D. and Adhikari,K.P. 2008. Trends and Impact of Forest Tenure Reforms in Asia: Cases from India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Nepal and the Philippines. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Paudel,N.S., Banjade,M.R. and Dahal,G.R. 2008. Handover of Community Forestry: A Political Decision or a Technical Process?. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Banjade,M.R. and Paudel, N.S. 2008. Economic Potential of Non-timber Forest Products in Nepal: Myth or Reality?.Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Banjade,M.R. and Paudel,N.S. 2008. Mobile Pastoralism in Crisis: Challenges, Conflicts and Status of Pasture Tenure in Nepal Mountains. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Dhungana,S.P. and Bhattarai, R.C. 2008. Exploring Economic and Market Dimensions of Forestry Sector in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood,7(1).

Kunwar, M.,Neil, P.,Paudyal-Rai,B. and Subedi,R. 2009. Securing Rights to Livelihoods through Public Land Management: Opportunities and Challenges. KUnwar, M.,Neil, P.,Paudyal-Rai,B. and Subedi,R. 2009.

2007 – Special Issue. Vol. 6 (2)

Ojha, H.R., Timsina, N.T., Kumar, C., Belchar, B. and Banjade, M.R. 2007.Community-based Forest Management Programmes in Nepal: An Overview of Issues and LessonsJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Pokheral, B., Barnney, P., Nurse, M and Malla. Y. B. 2007Community Forestry: Conserving Forests, Sustaining Livelihoods and Strengthening DemocracyJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Bhattarai, B., Dhungana, S. P. and Kafley, G. P. 2007. Poor-Focused Common Forest Management: Lessons from Leasehold Forestry in Nepal.Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Bapton, J. F. R., Ebregt, A. and Banjade, M. R. 2006. Collaborative Forest Management in Nepal’s Terai: Policy, Practice and Contestation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Paudel, N.S., Budathoki, P. and Sharma, U.R. 2007. Buffer Zones: New Frontiers for Participatory Conservation?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Bajracharya, S.B., Gurung, G.B. and Basnet, K. 2007. Learning from Community Participation in Conservation Area ManagementJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

Pandit, B. H., Wagley, M. P., Neupane, R. P. and Adhikary, B. R. 2007. Watershed Management and Livelihoods: Lessons from NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(2)

2007 – JFL Vol. 6 (1)

Paudel, N.S. and Luintel, H.S. 2007. EditorialJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Ojha, H.R., Timsina, N.P and Khanal, D. 2007. How are Forest Policy Decisions Made in Nepal?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Dhungana,S.P., Oli,B.N. and Mandal, R.A. 2007. Claiming a Bird in Hand: Economic Potential of Plantation in Nepal under Clean Development MechanismJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Bampton, J. and Cammaert, B. 2007. How Can Timber Rents Better Contribute to Poverty Reduction through Community Forestry in the Terai Region of Nepal?Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Banjade, M.R., Paudel, N.S., Ojha, H.R., McDougall, C., and Prabhu, R. 2007. Conceptualising Meso-Level Governance in the Management of Commons: Lessons from Nepal’s Community ForestryJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Gentle, P., Acharya, K.P., and Dahal, G.R. 2007. Advocacy Campaign to Improve Governance in Community Forestry: A Case from Western NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

Paudel,K.P., Green, K., Ojah, H.R. and Barnes, R. 2007. Challenges to Participation: Lessons from Participatory Action Research with Community Forest User Groups in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 6(1)

2006 -JFL Vol. 5 (1)

Bhattrai, B. and Chapagain, D.P. 2006. EditorialJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Luintel, H.S. and Bhattarai, B. 2006. Exploring Priority Problems of the Forest Dependent Poor in Nepal Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Paudel, K.P. and Kattel. 2006. Caught in the Crossfire: Forest-Dependent Poor People in Nepal Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Banjade, M.R., Timsina,N.P., Neupane, H.P., Bhandari, K, Bhattarai, T. and Rana, S.K. 2006. Transforming Agency and Structure for Facilitating Pro-Poor Governance in Community ForestryJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Paudyal-Rai, B., Neil, P. and Allison, G. 2006. Experiences and Challenges of Promoting Pro-poor and Social Inclusion Initiatives in User Group ForestryJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Joshi, M., Paudel, D., Barnney, P., Khatri,D.B. and Nurse, M. 2006. The Livelihood Improvement Process: An Inclusive and Pro-Poor Approach to Community Forestry – Experiences from Kabhrepalanchok and Sindhupalchok Districts of NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Pokheral, B., Paudel,D., Barnney,P., Khatri, D.B. and Nurse, M. 2006. Reconstructing the Concept of Forest-Based Enterprise Development in Nepal: Towards a Pro-Poor Approach Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Chhatri, R.B. 2006. From Protection to Poverty Reduction: A Review of Forestry Policies and Practices in NepalJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

Mohanty,S., Gronow, J., Nurse, M., and Malla, Y. 2006. Reducing Poverty through Community Based Forest Management in AsiaJournal of Forest and Livelihood, 5(1)

2005 – JFL Vol. 4 (2)

Ojha, H.R., Banjade, M.R., Timsina, N.P.,Paudel, K.P. and Pokharel,B. 2005. Editorial. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Cheetry, B., Fracis, P., Gurung, M., Inversen, V., Kafle, G., Pain, A., and Seeley, Y. 2005. A Framework for the Analysis of Community Forestry performance in the Terai. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 4 (2)

Bhattarai, B., Ojha,H.R., and Humagain, Y. 2005. Is Leasehold Forestry Really a Pro-poor Innovation? Evidences from Kavre District, Nepal Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Maraseni, T.N., Cockfield, G. and Apan,A. 2005. Community Based Forest Management Systems in Developing Countries and Eligibility for Clean Development Mechanism Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Dhakal, B. 2005. Impacts of Community Forestry Development on Livestock-Based Livelihood in Nepal . Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Christensen, M. and Larsen, H.O. 2005. How can Collection of Wild Edible Fungi Contribute to Livelihoods in Rural Areas of Nepal? . Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Ojha,H.R. and Khanel, K. 2005. 25 Years of Community Forestry in Nepal: A Review of Fourth National Workshop Proceedings Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)

Ojha,H.R. and Paudel, N.S. 2005. A Commentary on Bhattarai et al. (2002). “The Vacillating Evolution of Forestry Policy in Nepal: Historically Manipulated, Internally Mismanaged. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 4(2)