2024 – Special Issue on Forest Based Enterprises Vol 24 (1)


2024 – Special Issue on Forest Based Enterprises, Vol 24 (1)

Community forestry is known to provide opportunities for economic development. Through small and medium scale enterprises, community forestry has generated income and employment to rural communities. However, it’s the potential on generating income and scalable business models has not been fully realized. Similarly, majority of the lucrative forest-based enterprises, for instance timber enterprisers, are largely dominated by men whereas small scale enterprises, mainly non-timber forest products (NTFPs) based, have involved women and have generated opportunities in terms of income and employment. Yet, women face struggles in terms of registering forest-based business, finance their enterprises, and selling their products, which are relatively less examined. Thus, evidence-based knowledge generation for linking women to productive resource-decisions, and entrepreneur linkage to enhance community-based enterprises for climate and social resilience is crucial.

This special issue on forest-based enterprises presents seven papers focusing on community forestry and women’s empowerment, barriers, and reforms in women’s access to resources, timber production potential and financial governance in CFUGs and success and challenges of community based enterprises.


Baral, S., Tiwari, S., and Shrestha, K.K. 2024. Gendered Process of Women (dis)empowerment in the Community Forestry in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 1-21

Thakuri, U., Baral, S., Lama, K., and Khatri, A. 2024. Green Enterprises: A pathway to Women’s Economic Empowerment. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 22-42

Bastakoti, B.P. 2024. An Inquiry into the Forest Based Enterprises Managed by Women through Group Based Enterprise Operation Model and Empowerment Outcome in Nepal: Cases from Sindhupalchowk and Nawalpur Districts. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 43-61

Dangi, R. 2024. Timber Production Potentials in Nepal: A Critical Review on Projected Estimates. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 62-76

Bista, R., Parajuli, R. and Song, C. 2024. Analysing the Financial Governance of Community Forestry in Mid-Hills of Nepal: A Case Study from Tanahu District. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 77-94

Nepal, D. and Poudel, S. 2024. A Case Study on Entrepreneurial Motivation and Challenges faced by Women in Agri-entrepreneurship in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 95-109

Rai, J.K. 2024. Cultural Dimension of Community Based Forest Enterprise in Nepal: A Case of Handmade Paper Enterprise in Eastern Hill of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood24 (1): 110-132

2024 – Special Issue on Forest Based Enterprises Vol 24 (1) – Full Document

2022 – Special Issue on Forest Fire, Vol 21 (1)


2022 – Special Issue on Forest Fire, Vol 21 (1)


Bhujel, K.B., Sapkota, R.P. and Khadka, U.R. 2022. Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Forest Fires and their Environmental and Socio-economic Implications in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 21(1): 1-13.

Bhattarai, N. Dahal, S., Thapa, S., Pradhananga,S., Karky, B.S., Rawat, R.S., Windhorst, K., Watanabe, T., Thapa, R.B., and Avtar, R. 2022. Forest Fire in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: A Major Challenge for Climate Action. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 21(1): 14-31.

Pandey, H.P., Pokhrel, N.P., Thapa, P., Paudel, N.S. and Maraseni, T.N. 2022. Status and Practical Implications of Forest Fire Management in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 21(1): 32-45.

Ranabhat, S., Pokhrel, A., Neupane, A., Singh, B. and Gahatraj, S. 2022. Forest Fire Risk Assessment and Proposal for Fire Stations in different Geographical Regions of Central Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood21(1): 46-59.

Tiwari, S., Paudel, N.S., Sze, J. and Karki, R. 2022. Unravelling the Local Dynamics of Increasing Fires in Community Forests of Mid-hills of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood21(1): 60-71.

2021 – Generic Issue Vol 20 (1)

Acharya, S., Pathak, K. and Pandey, C.L. 2021. Does High-Value Agriculture Build Resilient Livelihood? Insights from the Study of Cardamom and Vegetable Farmers of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood20(1): 1-15.

Dinesh Adhikari, D., Prasai, R., Lamichhane, S. and Gautam, D. 2021. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies in Trans-Himalaya Region of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood20(1): 16-30.

Anil Bhandari, A., Thakuri, S., Koirala, P. and Devkota, M.P. 2021. Conflict-Sensitive Climate Change Adaptation in Nepal: An Analysis of Climate Resilience Policy Frameworks. Journal of Forest and Livelihood20(1): 31-44.

Sharma, L.N., Tamang, S.R, Poudel, Y.B., Subba, A., Timsina, S., Adhikari, B., Shrestha, H., Gautam, A.P., Kandel, D.R., Watson, M.F. and Paudel, N.S. 2021. Biodiversity Beyond Protected Areas: Gaps and Opportunities in Community Forest. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 20(1): 45-61. 

Timsina, S., Basyal, M., Dahal, K., Karki, R. and Paudel, N.S. 2021. What is Choking Nepal’s Domestic Timber Supply? Journal of Forest and Livelihood20(1): 62-77. 

2020 – Generic Issue Vol 19(1)

Dahal, G.R., Pandit, B.H. and Shah, R. 2020. Abandoned Agricultural Land and its Reutilisation by Adoption of Agroforestry: A Case Study from Kaski and Parbat Districts of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 19(1): 1-16.

Pandit, B.H., Nuberg. I., Shrestha, K.K., Cedamon, E., Amatya, S.M., Dhakal, B. and Schmidt, H.P. 2020. Revitalising Agrarian Economies: The Use of Biochar on Banana-based Agroforestry System in Nepal’s hills. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 19(1): 17-31.

Ghimire, D.R. 2020. Empowering Women Producers through Value Chain Development in Commercial Vegetable Farming for Improved Livelihood and Food Security. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 19(1): 32-50.

Pandey, H. P., Maaren, I. E., Shah K. K, and Maraseni, T. N. 2020. Response of Topographic and Biodiversity Variables on Biomass and Carbon Density in Community Forests of Himalayan Foot-hills. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 19(1): 51-65.

2019 – Special Issue on Forest Cover Change in Nepal, Vol 18 (1)

Fox, J., Saksena, S., Hurni, K., Van Den Hoek, J., Smith, A.C., Chhetri, R. and Sharma, P. 2019. Mapping and Understanding Changes in Tree Cover in Nepal: 1992 to 2016. Journal of Forest and Livelihood18 (1): 1-11.

Tachibana, T., Adhikari, A., Rayamajhi, S. and Sakurai, T. 2019. Green Makes a Bold Comeback! Inventory Results of 101 Natural Forests in the Middle Hills of Nepal over Two Decades. JJournal of Forest and Livelihood18 (1): 12-25.

Uddin, K., Matin, M.A., Dhanju, H.K., Bajracharya, B., Flores, A., Anderson, E. and Ellenburg, L. 2019. Remote Sensing Based Deforestation Monitoring at the Change Hotspot Area in Hindu Kush Himalayan Region. Journal of Forest and Livelihood18 (1): 26-38.

Shrestha, H.L., Poudel, N.S., Bajracharya, R.M. and Sitaula, B.K. 2019. Mapping and Modelling of Land Use Change in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood18 (1): 39-53.

Pandit, B.H. 2019. Forest Gardening on Abandoned Agricultural Land Contribute to Ground Cover Change and Food Security. Journal of Forest and Livelihood18 (1): 54-65

2018 – Special Issue on REDD+ in the Hindu Kush Himalayas, Vol 17 (1)


Banikoi, H., Karky, B.S., Shrestha, A.J., and Aye, Z.M. 2018. A Value Chain Approach to Sustainable Forest Management? Timber Supply Chain Practices for Sustainability in Myanmar’s Forest Sector. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 1-15.

Basnet, S., Sharma, P., Timalsina, N., and Khaine, I. 2018. Community Based Management for Forest Conservation and Livelihood Improvement: A Comparative Analysis from Forests in Myanmar. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 16-33.

Bhattarai, N., Verma, N., Rawat, R.S., Karky, B.S., and Rawat, V.R.S. 2018. Addressing Driver of Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Mizoram through Sub-National REDD+ Action Plan. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 34-48.

Laudari, H.K., Pant, B., Timalsina, N., Dhungana, S.P., Poudel, M., and Karky, B.S. 2018. Decentralising REDD+: Lessons Learned from “Redd+ Himalaya Project” of Nepal.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 49-62.

Bhandari, T.S., Timalsina, N., Pant, B., Laudari, H.K., Bhattarai, S., Wagle, R., Dhungana, S.P., and Karky, B.S. 2018. Inclusion of Gender Issue in REDD+: Experiences from REDD+ Pilot Implementation in Nepal.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 63-75.

Chand, J., Windhorst, K., Poudel, M., and Bhattarai, N. 2018. Subnational Capacities Strengthened by REDD+ Himalaya Project in the Districts of Nepal.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 76-89.

Poudel, M. and Poudel, A.K. 2018. Forest Reference Levels in the Hindukush Himalaya: A Comparative Overview.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 90-110.

Karki, R., Paudel, N.S., Adhikary, A., and Manandhar, S. 2018. Comparing and Contrasting National REDD+ Strategies in the Hindukush Himalayan Region: Implications for REDD+ Implementation.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 111-126.

Amatya, S., Yangden, K., Wangdi, D., Phuntsho, Y. and Dorji, L. 2018. National Forest Inventory of Bhutan: Shift in Role from Traditional Forestry to Diverse Contemporary Global Requirements.  Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 17 (1): 127-138.

2018 – Generic Issue Vol 16(2)

Luitel ,D.R., Siwakoti, M. and Jha, P.K. 2018. Relationship between Climatic Variables and Finger Millet Yield in Syangja, Central Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (2): 1-13.


2018 – Special Issue on Climate Change, NRM and Conflict. Vol 16(1)

This special issue of Journal of Forest and Livelihood presents different cases of conflicts over natural resource management. It also highlights innovations (institutional or others) to conflict resolution in management of natural resources in Nepal. Some of the papers bring insights on the impact of climate change on natural resources, and conflict as a byproduct of the alterations in the natural setting

Paudel, N. S., Bhusal, P., Thompson, P., Sultana, P., Adhikary, A. and Bhandari, K. 2018.Transforming Forest Conflicts: Learning from North-South Conflicts over Community Forests in Terai Region of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 1-14

Bhusal, P., Paudel, N.S., Adhikary, A., Karki, J. and Bhandari, K. 2018. Halting Forest Encroachment in Terai: What Role for Community Forestry? Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 15-34

Khatri, D., Maskey, G. and Adhikari, B. 2018. REDD+ and Community Forestry in Nepal: Strengthening or Paralysing Decentralised Governance? Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 35-55

Bhusal, P., Bamjade, M.R. and Paudel, N.S. 2018. Pastoralism in Crisis: Mounting Challenges in Herding System in High Altitude Region of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 56-70

Bhattarai, B., Bishwokarma, D. and Legras, M. 2018. Breaking the Bottleneck: Conflicts Metamorphosis of Chure Landscape Management in Federal Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 71-86

Poudel, J. M. 2018 Pond Becomes a Lake: Challenges Posed by Climate Change in the Trans-Himalayan Regions of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 87-102

Neupane, B., Budhathoki, S. and Khatiwoda, B. 2018. Human-Elephant Conflict and Mitigation Measures in Jhapa District, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood16 (1): 103-112

2017 – Journal of Forest and Livelihood 15(2)


Giri, A., Giri, R., Nelson, V., Lovercamp, K., Sharma, S. and Protopo, I. 2017. Can Nepal Attain Self-Sufficiency in Major Crops Production? Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 15(2): 1-12

Adhikari, J. 2017. Organic Farming and its Prospects in Peri-urban Area of Pokhara, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 15(2): 13-31 

Subedi, Y.R., Mulia, R.,Cedamon, E., Lusiana, B., Shrestha, K. and Nuberg, I. 2018. Local Knowledge on Factors Leading to Agroforestry Diversification in Mid-hills of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 15(2): 32-51

2017 – Forest Tenure Reforms in Nepal Vol 15(1)


Banjade, M.R., Paudel, N.S. and Mwangi, E. 2017. Introduction: Political economy of forest tenure reform implementation in Nepal: Evolution, contestation, outcomes and challenges. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 1-14

Dahal, G.R., Pokharel, B.K, Khanal, D.R. and Pokhrel, P.R. 2017. Why Does Tenure Security Matter in Community Forestry? A Critical Reflection from Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 15-26

Dhungana, S.P., Satyal, P., Yadav, N.P. and Bhattarai, B. 2017. Collaborative Forest Management in Nepal: Tenure, Governance and Contestations. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 27-42

Kafley, G.P. and Pokharel, K. 2017. Pro-poor Leasehold Forestry: A Community-based Tenure Regime in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 43-56

Thing, S.J, and Poudel, S.P. 2017. Buffer Zone Community Forestry in Nepal: Examining Tenure and Management Outcomes. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 57-70

Gautam, A.P., Bhujel and Chhetri, R. 2017. Political Economy of Forest Tenure Reform Implementation in Nepal: The Case of Protected Forests. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 71-86

Singh, B.K. 2017. Land Tenure and Conservation in Chure. ournal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 87-102

Acharya, D. and Baral, N.R. 2017.Neglected High Altitude Rangelands of Nepal: Need for Reform. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 103-119

Amatya, S.M. and Lamsalm P. 2017 Private Forests in Nepal: Status and Policy Analysis. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 120-130

Wagle, R., Oli, D., Sapkota, B., Aryal, S. and Prajapati, S.M. 2017. Feminist Institutionalist Interpretation of Forest Tenure Regimes in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood15(1): 131-142

2016 – Special issue on Protected Areas and People. Vol 14(1)


Joshi, D. 2016. Community Based Conservation: Redefining Boundaries. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 1-12

Paudel, R.P. 2016. Protected Areas, People and Tourism: Political Ecology of Conservation in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 13-27.

Thapa, S. 2016.  Women and Woods: Reclaiming Equality in Resource Governance. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 28-40.

Thapa, K. 2016. Park – People Interaction and Public Perceptions towards Parsa Wildlife Reserve, Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 41-52

Sedhain, J. and Adhikary, A. 2016. Human-Rhino Conflict: Local People’s Adaptation toImpacts of Rhino. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 53-66.

Joshi, D. and Bhandari, A.R. 2016. Shifting Paradigms in Wetland Governance: Shaping and Reshaping Conservation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 67-83.

Bishwokarma, D., Thing, S.J. and Paudel, N.S. 2016. Political Ecology of the Chure Region in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 14(1): 84-96.

2015 – Special issue on REDD+. Vol 13(1)


Bluffstone, R., Somanathan, E., Jha, P., Luintel, H., Bista, R., Toman, M., Paudel, N.S. and Adhikari, B. 2015.Collective Action and Carbon Sequestration in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1):1-7.

Dissanayake S.T. M., Jha P., Adhikari, B., Bista, R., Bluffstone, R., Luintel, H., Martinsson, P., Paudel, N. S., Somanathan, E. and Toman, M. 2015. Community Managed Forest Groups and Preferences for REDD+ Contract Attributes: A Choice Experiment Survey of Communities in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 8-19.

Sherpa, D.T. and Brower, A. 2015. Equity in Sharing the Potential Benefits of REDD+ in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 20-29.

Bastakoti, R.R. and Davidsen, C. 2015. Nepal’s REDD+ Readiness Preparation and Multi-Stakeholder Consultation Challenges. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 30-43.

Poudel, D.P. and Aase, T.H. 2015. Discourse analysis as a means to scrutinize REDD+: An Issue of Current Forest Management Debate of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 44-55.

Bajracharya, R.M., Shrestha, H.L., Shakya, R. and Sitaula, B.K. 2015. Agro-forestry Systems as a Means to Achieve Carbon Co-benefits in Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 56-68.

Bhattarai, T., Skutsch, M., Midmore, D. and Shrestha, H. 2015. Carbon measurement: An Overview of Forest Carbon Estimation Methods and The Role of GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques for REDD+ Implementation. Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 13(1): 69-85.