Environment problems cannot be solved by anyone on their own. It is important for the whole community to be invested if a change is to be made. While “World Environment Day 2023” was globally celebrated with the campaign #beatplasticpollution, the ACIAR funded EnLiFT2 project led by ForestAction Nepal, along with Salle Chaubas Forest Management Committee and Sub Division Forest Office, Chaubas, organized a one-day “School Level Awareness Program” on June 5, 2023, in Setidevi Secondary School, Yakpa tole of Bhumlu-4, Kavre, Nepal. The celebration served as a spur for collaboration and group efforts to build a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future for future generations. This day was celebrated primarily to raise public awareness of the need to protect the environment by avoiding the use of plastic and instead utilizing eco-friendly alternatives.
Marking the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day 2023, the events were divided into multiple sessions that centered on beating plastic pollution. The sessions were a silent rally on the importance of environmental conservation, with the participation of hundreds of students from three major schools in Bhumlu and Kavre. The rally was demonstrated, seeking to bring recognition of how plastic pollution impacts a natural environment. It was staged to bring attention to environmental issues and prompt action to prevent or address plastic pollution. The plantation program was carried out on the school premises to promote the preservation of trees, maintain a sustainable environment, and promote the greenery around the school premises.
Inter-school speech competitions and inter-school quiz competitions were conducted, in which three higher secondary schools, Bhumlu 4 and 5, participated. The main aim of these competitions was to offer the students the chance to socialize not only with classmates but with different students from other schools and learn through these interactions. Further, this competition also helped the students to observe, share their opinions, choose their words, ease oral communication, and take many actions to motivate them to fight against plastic pollution.
This event was intended to encourage fun learning methods while also enhancing general knowledge on diverse environmental-related themes. Overall, all the participants present there benefited from the diverse themes discussed in this event, making them more environmentally conscious. Two cultural dances and songs were performed by the students to promote social and cultural interaction as well as a sense of community well-being and unity. These dances were accompanied by powerful social messages and narratives. Ecofriendly alternatives like cloth banners, handmade papers, hemp bags, etc. were used throughout the program to encourage the use of green alternatives.