Exposure visits as means of empowering and carving successful women entrepreneurs

ForestAction Nepal along with its consortium partners HIMAWANTI Nepal, AFFON, and FENFIT Nepal, conducted exposure visits in the intervention areas of Ramechhap and Kavrepalanchok districts, Nepal. Exposure visits are very important training methodology which are integral to sensitizing and empowering the women’s group to carve them into successful entrepreneurs. This three days visit was enriching opportunity for emerging women entrepreneurs who had received technical training and skill-based training to view and learn about the experiences of other forest-based enterprises in the Kavrepalanchok and Ramechhap districts. The visit involved interactions with various stakeholders, like different enterprises owners, entrepreneurs, local people, trainers, and local and municipal-level stakeholders. The overall objective of the exposure visit was to exchange ideas and experience regarding challenges in implementation of Forest based enterprises in Ramechhap and Kavrepalanchok districts. Also to learn from the experience of others running forest-based enterprises in different regions by direct interaction.

In this backdrop, the women entrepreneurs had strong observation and learnings from the Nepali paper enterprises in the Khimti, Ramechhap, and the broom grass enterprises in the Dhunkharka, Kavrepalanchok, Dhasingare plant and nursery management in Rasnalu, Ramechhap, High-tech nursery in Dhunkharka, Kavrepalanchok

Questions and Answers session and open discussions was well facilitated in every site visit and the discussion was mostly covered on financial aspects, motivation and their entrepreneurial journey over the years. The visit was insightful to the women entrepreneurs and they learnt from other entrepreneurs who live in similar circumstances to themselves. This exposure visit further encouraged women entrepreneurs to ask questions about the different facets of running and enterprises and develop them as the entrepreneurs and get first hand feedback.